Polygraph, Lie Detection & Lie Detector Tests for Sporting Event Integrity
Local Certified, Confidential, Accurate and Licensed Lie Detection Tests in North Carolina, South Carolina and GeorgiaPolygraph, Lie Detection & Lie Detector Tests for Sporting Event Integrity
If you run a sporting event or competition that has the possibility of cheating combined with a cash or other significant prize, then you need polygraph testing to ensure the integrity of the event.
Most contestants in your sporting event are honest and won’t cheat to win.
Most of these honest contestants realize there are those few individuals who are willing to win at all costs and probably know or suspect who they are from the gossip in the sporting ‘grapevine’.
Most of these honest contestants will not ‘rat out’ the cheaters, they will simply not compete in the same events with them. Can you blame them? Why invest hard-earned money in a competition you already know you can’t win?
Call The Polygraph Examiner for information about LOCAL lie detection tests in North Carolina, South Carolina & Georgia at (800) 497-9305.
If you want your event to be successful, talked about and well attended by the pool of honest contestants, you must give them the assurance that the winner truly deserves to be the winner.
Enter the polygraph. The polygraph is a wonderful tool for the sporting event venue and is becoming more popular every year. We anticipate polygraph being used in an even wider range of sporting events and competitions, but its most common applications today are:
Fishing Tournaments – Typically there is a cash prize and the contestants are generally not directly supervised during competition. This makes it imperative to ensure that the winner truly caught that winning fish according to the rules.
Natural Body Building Competitions – A growing sport with temptations galore. Most contestants enter these competitions because of their commitment to natural strength and health, however, they are also an easy target for the less scrupulous competitor who chooses to use performance enhancing drugs and illegal steroids.
Weight Lifting Competitions – Bursts of raw power and energy determine the winner. It is only fair to all contestants that you make sure that winning burst of energy came from training and determination rather than drugs.
We have a variety of testing techniques at our disposal to match your event needs. You can test only the winners, test a random sample of contestants before the event or even test every contestant as a requirement of participation.
The key to effectively using polygraph in your next event is early integration planning. Polygraph should be seamlessly integrated into your overall event strategy. We can help with that.
Call us at anytime at (800) 497-9305 to discuss polygraph testing for your next sporting event or competition.
Contact us at anytime at (800) 497-9305 to discuss polygraph testing for your case.
Question? Email Us or Call (800) 497-9305. Due to complexity to different situations I do not quote price by email. Please call for pricing.
Call The Polygraph Examiner Now
Call us at anytime at (800) 497-9305 to discuss polygraph & lie detection testing for your sporting event integrity. Call The Polygraph Examiner for information about LOCAL polygraph & lie detection tests in North Carolina, South Carolina & Georgia at (800) 497-9305.
The Polygraph Examiner
Local Certified, Confidential, Accurate and Licensed Making Polygraph, Lie Detection, and Lie Detector Tests in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. Call today for a FREE consultation at 1-800-497-9305.
Why The Polygraph Examiner?
- Multi-State Licensed & Certified
- Strict Adherence to Testing Protocols Established by the American Polygraph Association
- Accuracy Rates of 95 to 98 percent, compared to less quality testing options of only 50% +/-
- Confidentiality Guaranteed
- Local - Days, Nights & Weekends