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Polygraph, Lie Detection & Lie Detector Tests for Pre-Employment (Govt.)

Local Certified, Confidential, Accurate and Licensed Lie Detection Tests in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia

Polygraph, Lie Detection & Lie Detector Tests for Pre-Employment (Govt.)

We consider pre-employment polygraph & lie detection testing for government related jobs a priority because we understand these applicants today will someday be the men and women who hold our lives in their hands.

Polygraph, Lie Detection & Lie Detector Tests for Pre-EmploymentConscientious, thorough and impartial.

This is how we define our Polygraph & Lie Detection for Pre-Employment testing.

Conscientious – We hold a high level of respect for the positions these applicants will fill and give each applicant our level best.

Thorough – We are convinced the majority of mistakes made in Pre-Employment tests are due to lack of attention to details and cutting corners. Pre-Employment tests are difficult. They require long days of discussing the more unsavory details of an applicant’s past to determine risk, detailed written reports of the findings, including all pertinent admissions and pre-employment tests typically pay far less than other types of Polygraph & Lie Detection for Pre-Employment testing. Without an examiner’s conscious effort to combat an attitude of mundane routine, it is easy to make careless mistakes and become complacent, which can result in less than accurate polygraph results. Conducting a careless Polygraph & Lie Detection for Pre-Employment test is not an option for us because we remain aware that the applicant in our polygraph suite may someday save our own life or the life of someone we love.

Impartial – We show dignity and respect to all applicants regardless of age, sex or ethnicity.

Call The Polygraph Examiner for information about LOCAL polygraph & lie detection tests in North Carolina, South Carolina & Georgia at (800) 497-9305.

We covet the opportunity to conduct pre-employment testing for any of the following positions:

• Police Officers
• Deputy Sheriffs
• Corrections Officers
• Firefighters
• Armored Vehicle Drivers
• Advancement or Security Clearance
• Pharmaceutical Personnel

If your agency is in need of a one time or occasional pre-employment polygraph test, Call us at anytime at 1-800-497-9305 to discuss pricing and details.

If you’re agency is accepting bids on an upcoming polygraph related contract, please email your request for proposal to Contact Us (Please include your Name & Phone Number with your email for quickest response. All emails will be responded to at the same email address as the one used to email us.)or you can send postal mail to:

The Polygraph Examiner
Andrew Goldstein
Contact Us

We will respond promptly and thank you in advance for the opportunity.

Contact us at anytime at (800) 497-9305 to discuss polygraph testing for your case.

Call for More Information Today – (800) 497-9305

Question? Email Us or Call (800) 497-9305. Due to complexity to different situations I do not quote price by email. Please call for pricing.

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Call Us Now

Call us at anytime at 1-800-497-9305 to discuss polygraph testing for your relationship struggles.
Call The Polygraph Examiner for information about LOCAL lie detection tests in North Carolina, South Carolina & Georgia at
(800) 497-9305.

The Polygraph Examiner

Local Certified, Confidential, Accurate and Licensed Making Polygraph, Lie Detection, and Lie Detector Tests in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. Call today for a FREE consultation at 1-800-497-9305.

Why The Polygraph Examiner?

  • Multi-State Licensed & Certified
  • Strict Adherence to Testing Protocols Established by the American Polygraph Association
  • Accuracy Rates of 95 to 98 percent, compared to less quality testing options of only 50% +/-
  • Confidentiality Guaranteed
  • Local - Days, Nights & Weekends

Contact The Polygraph Examiner Now

Don’t Wait to Get The Truth

Polygraph, Lie Detection, and Lie Detector Examinations provide a unique, affordable opportunity to establish ground level truth from which you can make educated decisions.

Polygraph, Lie Detection, and Lie Detector Associations & Affiliations

Click to Call 800-497-9305